Keep your best friend safe with our QR coded pet identity tag.

Lost Paws QR Coded Pet Identity Tags

Purchase and register a tag of your choice

Scan the tag, login and complete your pet’s dashboard

If your pet is lost your tag, if scanned, will let you know by SMS

What can I add to my pet's dashboard.

Your Pets Microchip Number

Your pets details

Your vets details

Emergency contacts

Images of your pet

Vaccination reminder dates

Worming and flea reminder dates

Annual check up reminder date

Insurance renewal reminder

Insurance  company details

Birthday reminder

If found scan the tag

Log in

How do I register my pet?

Purchase one of our unique QR coded pet identity tags and complete the registration process in the checkout.


What are our tags made of?

Our tags are made from nickel plated steel with an outer plastic epoxy coating covering the print


How do I add my pet’s details?

You just scan the tag when it arrives, login to the dashboard and fill in as many details about your pet as possible.