About Us

About Us

Our story began through the love we have for our own pets. We, as founders of Lost Paws, are highly trained and skilled at what we do, with many years experience in technology and within the veterinary industry.

As owner of pets ourselves, including a rather lovable Red Fox Labrador and a mischievous Border Terrier, we have over  many years seen the happiness that owning a pet brings to us and no more so than in the last few years when companionship of a pet has been vital through this coronavirus pandemic has had many benefits. But, sadly we have also seen the desperation and unhappiness when a pet is tragically lost, which can happen at anytime.

As friends for many years, we have watched our own dogs become part of our own families  and on some of our long dog walks together, we have often commented to each other “what would life be like without them?”

So, between us we decided to do something about helping to ensure the safety of our pets and also come up with ways to try to reunite them with their owners should they go missing, and this is how Lost Paws was born.

Our pets are our companions and are part of our families and we must ensure we do all we can to protect them. Our aim is to bring security and safety to your pet. with our unique QR coded pet tah.